California and Colorado Elopements

Maija and Hally Married in the Redwoods of California

  Getting married in the redwoods of California was not the original plan! Then again, did anyone's wedding plans for 2020 turned out as expected? (If they did, I don't know about them!) So, no, the plan for Maija and Hally wasn't to elope. But Covid intervened, so they adjusted.…

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A Romantic Big Sur Elopement for Madeline and Chelsea

When your original wedding plans get derailed.... ...resilient couples simply go to Plan B. (or C, D or in the pandemic year of 2020, sometimes Plan Z!). Madeline and Chelsea had planned their big wedding celebration for the end of March, but Covid had other plans. Having to cancel their…

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An Elopement in the California Redwoods for Kenny and Carlos

An Intimate Gathering of family and friends amid the California redwoods Kenny and Carlos knew exactly what they wanted when we had our first consult call--an intimate gathering of family and friends amid the California redwoods. And they wanted it to be a bit more formal than a simple elopement---with…

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A Lighthearted Enchanted Forest Wedding for Amara and Kalan

In the beginning... Amara and Kalan have Amara's cousin to thank for bringing them together. She's the one that set up the Tinder account! That was back in 2015 and the first step to what ultimately brought them to us seeking an elopement with an "enchanted forest wedding" vibe. Yeah...we've…

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A Low Stress Elopement in the Redwoods for Tallie and Michael

"Having this be hassle free is the dream..." ... was the first thing Tallie said to me in her inquiry for a redwood elopement for her and Michael in the Santa Cruz area. If you know anything about me and Blue Sky Elopements, you'll know she was preaching to the…

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