Jackie and Terry’s Intimate Garden of the Gods Wedding
Jackie and Terry’s Intimate Garden of the Gods Elopement
Jackie and Terry were one of those rare couples that actually live in the area where they held their intimate wedding. Jackie moved to Colorado Springs from Germany eight years ago and met Terry five years years later. Like many couples with a solid relationship, they started out as friends and soon found that it blossomed into romance.
Why they chose to have an intimate wedding
Jackie and Terry always knew that they wanted a small wedding. Terry had just come back from a year-long tour with the Air Force in Korea and the couple planned to move to Utah shortly. Wanting to be married in the area where they met along with capturing the spirit of Colorado in the special day, saying “I do” at Garden of the Gods was the clear choice.
What made you choose this location?
From Jackie: “We selected an overlook (at Garden of the Gods), because it overlooks Pikes Peak and the famous Manitou Incline which was one of our first dates.”
A week before the wedding, Jackie and I talked about possible backup locations in case it rained. With a 4:30 PM ceremony start time, I knew that they were in prime Colorado Thunder & Lightening Storm time.
The prospects of finding a suitable and inexpensive indoor backup location that would accommodate 15-20 guests were slim-to-nonexistent. And so I took a look at the weather forecast for their day. Zero percent chance of precipitation! Perfect. We decided the odds were in our favor and ditched the idea of looking for a backup venue.
I continued to monitor the weather reports in the few days leading up to their ceremony. All clear.
So imagine my surprise when I got a call from Jackie 30 minutes prior to her ceremony, saying “Obviously, it’s raining, so what do I do?” I looked out the window of my Denver office to blue skies and the shining sun, thinking “not so obvious.” But that’s Colorado for you–50 miles can make a huge difference on what is or isn’t falling out of the sky.
Jackie arrives (Notice the parking lot puddles!)
I got on the phone with our officiant and photographer and debated implementing the Plan B that we didn’t have. A brief consult convinced me that this was a passing shower that would be gone in 10 minutes. I called Jackie back and told her to go ahead to High Point. The storm would pass.
So off they went. And sure enough, the rain stopped just before show time. And in its wake left dramatic clouds and soft lighting that framed their photos beautifully.
What was the favorite part of your wedding day?
Saying the I do’s and gathering with close friends and family at our reception at our favorite restaurant.
What was the best thing about having an intimate wedding?
It was much less stressful and we don’t have a huge financial burden after starting our new life together.
Any advice for other couples thinking about eloping?
Having an intimate wedding is the way to go. Invite the people that are closest to your heart and enjoy yourself. Also Colorado is too gorgeous not to have your wedding outside.
We agree 100% Congratulations Jackie & Terry!